Forecasts TREE - Lendingtree

Enhanced TREE Forecasts by ValueRay: Technical, Fundamental, and Deep Learning AI Analysis.

Time-Series Forecast (inc. Dividends)

Forecast for Forecasts TREE - Lendingtree
Black Dots: Daily Close Price
Dark Blue: Prediction
Light Blue: Uncertainty Interval
Red Vertical Dashed Line: Changepoints
Red Horizontal Line: Trendline

Earnings per Share Estimates vs Actual

Earnings per Share (Estimate and Actual). Can be non-GAAP or GAAP EPS.
EPS Stability:

Revenue Estimates vs Actual

Revenue (Estimate and Actual)
Revenue Stability
Revenue CGR:

TREE Overall Trend and Yearly Seasonality

Seasonality for Forecasts TREE - Lendingtree