Institutional Ownership ASX - ASE Industrial HoldingLtd

Institutional Ownership: who holds ASX and how much? Gain a comprehensive overview of Funds and Institutions.

Institutions that hold shares of ASX
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Valid Date Name Percent
of ASX shares
of Portfolio
Number of Shares
that are hold
(in shares)
(in Percent)

Funds that hold shares of ASX

Valid Date Name Percent
of ASX shares
of Portfolio
Number of Shares
that are hold
(in shares)
(in Percent)
2024-12-31 iShares Semiconductor ETF 0.498% 0.789% 10824478 16874 0.16%
2024-12-31 G.A. B World Equities Institutional Cap 0.020% 0.153% 430954 - -
2024-12-30 Direxion Daily Semicondct Bull 3X ETF 0.247% 0.564% 5372180 -64624 -1.19%
2024-12-28 Avantis Emerging Markets Equity ETF 0.097% 0.306% 2107124 - -
2024-11-30 Sun Life Acadian International Eq I 0.044% 1.234% 964803 -105275 -9.84%
2024-11-30 iShares Semiconductor ETF 0.454% 0.676% 9861881 - -
2024-11-30 FIIF EM Rspnb Eq ex Fssl Fuls € Acc UH 0.016% 4.501% 344093 -58503 -14.53%
2024-11-30 Avantis Emerging Markets Equity ETF 0.095% 0.287% 2072063 - -
2024-11-30 G.A. B World Equities Institutional Cap 0.020% 0.143% 430954 - -
2024-11-30 Steward Global Equity Income Fund I 0.035% 1.905% 763420 -11950 -1.54%
2024-11-30 LSV Intl Value Equity Tier VII 0.017% 0.427% 367300 - -
2024-11-30 Fisher Invts Instl Emerg Mkts Eq USD 0.070% 2.674% 1529350 - -
2024-11-28 Direxion Daily Semicondct Bull 3X ETF 0.240% 0.454% 5209623 27243 0.53%
2024-10-31 LSV Intl Value Equity Tier VII 0.017% 0.419% 367300 - -
2024-10-31 iShares Semiconductor ETF 0.435% 0.657% 9442217 -59952 -0.63%
2024-10-31 Direxion Daily Semicondct Bull 3X ETF 0.227% 0.481% 4933787 -255734 -4.93%
2024-10-31 Steward Global Equity Income Fund I 0.036% 1.936% 775370 - -
2024-10-31 Avantis Emerging Markets Equity ETF 0.093% 0.280% 2022135 - -
2024-10-31 Sun Life Acadian International Eq I 0.049% 1.349% 1070078 147080 15.94%
2024-10-31 Debeka-Aktien-Asien-ESG C 0.041% 0.751% 899000 -100000 -10.01%
2024-10-31 Fisher Invts Instl Emerg Mkts Eq USD 0.070% 2.536% 1529350 90482 6.29%
2024-10-31 Xtrackers S&P 500 Swap ETF 1C 0.047% 0.091% 1009400 - -
2024-10-31 FIIF EM Rspnb Eq ex Fssl Fuls € Acc UH 0.019% 4.336% 402596 24934 6.60%
2024-09-30 Vanguard Global Minimum Volatility Admr 0.069% 0.683% 1506845 - -
2024-09-30 Steward Global Equity Income Fund I 0.036% 1.918% 775370 -2600 -0.33%
2024-09-30 EARNEST Partners International ADR 0.027% 3.318% 595087 - -
2024-09-30 Debeka-Aktien-Asien-ESG C 0.046% 0.800% 999000 - -
2024-09-30 ZIF Aktien Emerging Markets CHF A1 0.027% 0.671% 595406 8447 1.44%
2024-09-30 Fisher Invts Instl Emerg Mkts Eq USD 0.067% 2.357% 1438868 - -
2024-09-30 Schafer Cullen Int'l High Dividend ADR 0.087% 2.112% 1877815 -49620 -2.57%
2024-09-30 Sun Life Acadian International Eq I 0.043% 1.202% 922998 - -
2024-09-30 G.A. B World Equities Institutional Cap 0.019% 0.138% 411071 61323 17.53%
2024-09-30 iShares Semiconductor ETF 0.447% 0.634% 9660111 -14966 -0.15%
2024-09-30 Xtrackers S&P 500 Swap ETF 1C 0.047% 0.094% 1009400 - -
2024-09-30 Fisher Emerging Markets Equity 0.022% 2.034% 482535 - -
2024-09-30 Direxion Daily Semicondct Bull 3X ETF 0.263% 0.454% 5680528 -20112 -0.35%
2024-09-30 RBC Private EAFE Equity Pool F 0.020% 1.261% 429527 -2393 -0.55%
2024-09-28 Avantis Emerging Markets Equity ETF 0.091% 0.278% 1969739 - -
2024-08-31 Debeka-Aktien-Asien-ESG C 0.046% 0.876% 999000 - -
2024-08-31 Steward Global Equity Income Fund I 0.036% 1.999% 777970 -4450 -0.57%
2024-08-31 Sun Life Acadian International Eq I 0.043% 1.252% 922998 - -
2024-08-31 Avantis Emerging Markets Equity ETF 0.085% 0.288% 1830008 - -
2024-08-31 Fisher Invts Instl Emerg Mkts Eq USD 0.067% 2.562% 1438868 - -
2024-08-31 ZIF Aktien Emerging Markets CHF A1 0.027% 0.677% 586959 88288 17.70%
2024-08-31 Xtrackers S&P 500 Swap ETF 1C 0.047% 0.099% 1009400 1009400 -
2024-08-30 iShares Semiconductor ETF 0.491% 0.696% 10614395 -32188 -0.30%
2024-08-29 Direxion Daily Semicondct Bull 3X ETF 0.267% 0.488% 5761617 2706 0.05%
2024-07-31 Fisher Invts Instl Emerg Mkts Eq USD 0.067% 2.638% 1438868 -215209 -13.01%
2024-07-31 iShares Semiconductor ETF 0.474% 0.686% 10252280 289692 2.91%
2024-07-31 Direxion Daily Semicondct Bull 3X ETF 0.266% 0.482% 5747013 -309213 -5.11%
2024-07-31 FIIF EM Rspnb Eq ex Fssl Fuls € Acc UH 0.020% 4.238% 441849 -23201 -4.99%
2024-07-31 SEI International Equity F (SIT) 0.019% 0.104% 413960 -145684 -26.03%
2024-07-31 Debeka-Aktien-Asien-ESG C 0.046% 0.907% 999000 - -
2024-07-31 Avantis Emerging Markets Equity ETF 0.080% 0.288% 1736535 - -
2024-07-31 Steward Global Equity Income Fund I 0.036% 2.042% 782420 - -
2024-07-31 ZIF Aktien Emerging Markets CHF A1 0.023% 0.591% 498671 49713 11.07%
2024-07-31 Sun Life Acadian International Eq I 0.043% 1.296% 922998 - -
2024-07-30 Direxion Daily Semicondct Bull 3X ETF 0.280% 0.602% 6056226 113640 1.91%
2024-07-30 Avantis Emerging Markets Equity ETF 0.080% 0.294% 1736535 - -
2024-07-29 iShares Semiconductor ETF 0.469% 0.701% 10139622 -88517 -0.87%