CHTR Dividend History - Charter Communications

Currently (March 2025) Charter Communications Inc does not pay a dividend.

As of March 2025, Charter Communications (CHTR) does not pay a dividend.

Top Dividend Payers in Cable & Satellite

Top Dividend Yield in Peer Group
Symbol Market Cap in USD Yield Yield on Cost
CHTR 54,358m 0.0% -
NOS 2,367m 8.94% 18.7%
CMCSA 137,138m 4.25% 4.95%
TV 949m 5.29% 2.36%
Top Dividend Grower in Peer Group
Symbol Market Cap in USD Grow Rating
CHTR 54,358m - 0.0%
TV 949m 58.4% 55.9%
CMCSA 137,138m 6.27% 60.4%
CABO 1,546m 4.43% 64.0%

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CHTR Dividend History

No dividends paid yet.

CHTR Dividend History - FAQ

Does CHTR pay dividends?

No, as of March 2025 CHTR does not pay a dividend.

What is the Dividend Yield of CHTR?

As of March 2025, CHTR`s dividend yield is 0.00%. This is calculated by dividing the trailing 12-month dividend rate (TTM rate) of - by the current share price of 351.50.

How often does CHTR pay dividends?

Over the last 12 months (TTM), CHTR has issued 0 dividend payments.

What is the next Ex-Dividend Date for CHTR?

The next ex-dividend date for Charter Communications (CHTR) is unknown.

What is the Dividend Growth Rate of CHTR?

CHTR's average dividend growth rate over the past 5 years is -% per year.

What is the Yield on Cost of CHTR?

CHTR's 5-Year Yield on Cost is -%. This represents the effective dividend yield for an investor who bought Charter Communications five years ago. It is calculated as the trailing 12-month dividend cash amount (-) divided by the purchase price five years ago (389.11):

What is the Payout Consistency of CHTR?

CHTR Payout Consistency is 0.0%.

Does CHTR have a good Dividend Yield?

CHTR`s 0.00% Dividend Yield is considered as unknown.

What is the Dividend Payout Ratio of CHTR?

The Dividend Payout Ratio of CHTR is unknown.

What is the Dividend Rating of CHTR?

CHTR`s Overall Dividend Rating is (unknown). Ratings surpassing 60 are regarded as favorable, exceeding 75 are strong, and surpassing 85 are exceptional.

Bonus Section: CHTR Outstanding Shares

What is the Trend of CHTR`s Outstanding Shares?

The Outstanding Shares of Charter Communications are shrinking at a rate of -7.29% per year on average over the last 5 years. The Correlation Coefficent of the Outstanding Shares is -100.0%. Investors should be aware that the price of a stock often is positively affected by a decreasing number of shares.

Did Charter Communications ever had a Stock Split?

Yes, last Stock Split was on 2016-05-18 with a factor of 689:762. This reverse stock split decreased the number of shares and increased the price per share by a ratio of 0.9.
Year Number of Shares Growth Rate
1999 200,657,400
2000 211,381,800 +5.34%
2001 266,191,900 +25.93%
2002 266,256,300 +0.02%
2003 266,834,900 +0.22%
2004 274,251,900 +2.78%
2005 287,005,300 +4.65%
2006 331,045,800 +15.34%
2007 334,631,000 +1.08%
2008 341,874,000 +2.16%
2009 103,000,000 -69.87%
2010 102,377,400 -0.6%
2011 89,907,300 -12.18%
2012 90,716,100 +0.9%
2013 100,742,300 +11.05%
2014 99,681,300 -1.05%
2015 101,366,500 +1.69%
2016 272,624,300 +168.95%
2017 278,257,200 +2.07%
2018 230,131,900 -17.3%
2019 217,778,100 -5.37%
2020 212,077,900 -2.62%
2021 180,417,600 -14.93%
2022 155,554,900 -13.78%
2023 149,651,500 -3.8%
2024 145,269,500 -2.93%