WIX - Wix.Com - Stock Price & Dividends

Exchange: USA Stocks • Country: Israel • Currency: USD • Type: Common Stock • ISIN: IL0011301780

Website Builders, Web Development Platforms, Logo Makers, Payment Platforms

Wix.com Ltd. is a leading cloud-based web development platform that empowers registered users and creators worldwide to build, design, and manage their online presence. Through its innovative tools and services, the company enables users to create professional-looking websites without requiring extensive coding knowledge.

The company's flagship product, Wix Editor, is a user-friendly, drag-and-drop visual development and website editing environment that allows users to customize their websites with ease. Additionally, Wix ADI offers users the flexibility to personalize their websites with advanced customization options, similar to the classic editor.

Wix.com Ltd. also provides a range of value-added services, including Wix Logo Maker, which leverages artificial intelligence to generate high-quality logos for users. The company's Wix Answers platform offers comprehensive support to users, ensuring they receive timely assistance when needed. Furthermore, Payments by Wix, a secure payment platform, enables users to receive payments from their customers directly through their Wix website.

In addition to its core offerings, the company provides various vertical-specific applications that cater to the unique needs of business owners. These applications enable users to manage different aspects of their online business, from e-commerce to marketing and more.

The company's Wix App Market is a thriving marketplace that offers a wide range of free and paid web applications, empowering users to build, grow, and manage their online businesses. Wix Marketplace connects users seeking website creation and management services with expert web developers, while Wix Owner App, a native mobile application, allows users to manage their websites and Wix operating systems on-the-go.

Founded in 2006 and headquartered in Tel Aviv, Israel, Wix.com Ltd. has established itself as a pioneer in the cloud-based web development space. With its innovative approach and commitment to user satisfaction, the company continues to empower individuals and businesses worldwide to succeed online.

Drawdown (Underwater) Chart

Drawdown / Underwater Chart for WIX - Wix.Com  - Stock Price & Dividends

Overall Trend and Yearly Seasonality

Drawdown / Underwater Chart for WIX - Wix.Com  - Stock Price & Dividends

WIX Stock Overview

Market Cap in USD 9,382m
Sector Technology
Industry Software - Infrastructure
GiC SubIndustry Internet Services & Infrastructure
TER 0.00%
IPO / Inception 2013-11-06

WIX Stock Ratings

Growth 5y 5.24
Fundamental 34.9
Dividend 0.00
Rel. Performance vs Sector 1.15
Analysts 4.14/5
Fair Price Momentum 174.07 USD
Fair Price DCF 169.09 USD

WIX Dividends

Dividend Yield 12m 0.00%
Yield on Cost 5y 0.00%
Dividends CAGR 5y 0.00%
Payout Consistency 0.0%

WIX Growth Ratios

Growth 12m 67.70%
Growth Correlation 12m 89%
Growth Correlation 3m 3%
CAGR 5y 2.98%
CAGR/Mean DD 5y 0.06
Sharpe Ratio 12m 1.54
Alpha vs SP500 12m 36.79
Beta vs SP500 5y weekly 1.44
ValueRay RSI 18.00
Volatility GJR Garch 1y 32.84%
Price / SMA 50 -2.87%
Price / SMA 200 12.08%
Current Volume 268k
Average Volume 20d 353.8k

External Links for WIX Stock

Wall Street JournalBenzingaYahoo Finance
Fund Manager Positions
What is the price of WIX stocks?
As of September 08, 2024, the stock is trading at USD 156.08 with a total of 268,003 shares traded.
Over the past week, the price has changed by -6.33%, over one month by -0.62%, over three months by -11.32% and over the past year by +64.85%.
What are the forecast for WIX stock price target?
According to ValueRays Forecast Model, WIX Wix.Com will be worth about 194.9 in September 2025. The stock is currently trading at 156.08. This means that the stock has a potential upside of +24.89%.
Issuer Forecast Upside
Wallstreet Target Price 191.8 22.9
Analysts Target Price 119.2 -23.6
ValueRay Target Price 194.9 24.9