MicroStrategy (MSTR) Dividend History & Analysis

Track McKesson's (MSTR) dividend history - current yield, annual dividend growth rate, payout history and peer comparisons.

As of March 2025, MicroStrategy (MSTR) does not pay a dividend.

Top Dividend Payers in Application Software

Highest Dividend Yields in Sector
Symbol Market Cap
Dividend Yield Yield on Cost
MSTR 78,665m 0.0% -
MNDO 40m 12.4% 20.8%
TXT 370m 9.56% 17.9%
OPRA 1,574m 5.17% 19.0%
Highest Dividend Growth Rate in Sector
Symbol Market Cap
Growth Rate Payout Ratio
MSTR 78,665m - -
SHO 311m 306% 80.4%
FNOX 4,033m 32.0% 17.2%
BSY 12,785m 51.6% 23.4%

MSTR Dividend History:

No dividends paid yet.

MSTR Dividend FAQ

Does MSTR pay dividends?

No, as of March 2025 MSTR does not pay a dividend.

What is the Dividend Yield of MSTR?

As of March 2025, MSTR`s dividend yield is 0.00%. This is calculated by dividing the trailing 12-month dividend rate (TTM rate) of - by the current share price of 289.41.

How often does MSTR pay dividends?

Over the last 12 months (TTM), MSTR has issued dividend payments.

What is the next Ex-Dividend Date for MSTR?

The next ex-dividend date for MicroStrategy (MSTR) is unknown.

What is the Dividend Growth of MSTR?

MSTR's average dividend growth rate over the past 5 years is -% per year.

What is the Yield on Cost of MSTR?

MSTR's 5-Year Yield on Cost is -%. This represents the effective dividend yield for an investor who bought MicroStrategy five years ago. It is calculated as the sum of all trailing 12-month dividends (-) divided by the purchase price five years ago (11.02):

What is the Payout Consistency of MSTR?

MSTR Payout Consistency is 0.0%.

Does MSTR have a good Dividend Yield?

MSTR`s 0.00% Dividend Yield is considered as unknown.

What is the Dividend Payout Ratio of MSTR?

The Dividend Payout Ratio of MSTR is unknown.

What is the Dividend Rating of MSTR?

MSTR`s Overall Dividend Rating is (unknown). Ratings surpassing 60 are regarded as favorable, exceeding 75 are strong, and surpassing 85 are exceptional.

MSTR Outstanding Shares Analysis

What is the Trend in MSTR`s Outstanding Shares?

MicroStrategy`s outstanding shares have increased by approximately 86.40% annually over the past 5 years (Correlation: 100.0%), negatively influencing stock price.

Has MicroStrategy ever had a Stock Split?

Yes, last Stock Split was on 2024-08-08 with a factor of 10:1. This stock split increased the number of shares and lowered the price per share by a ratio of 10.
Year Number of Shares Annual Growth Rate
1998 7,598,400
1999 7,892,600 +3.87%
2000 8,126,900 +2.97%
2001 9,337,700 +14.9%
2002 13,788,000 +47.66%
2003 16,010,000 +16.12%
2004 16,224,000 +1.34%
2005 13,568,000 -16.37%
2006 12,567,000 -7.38%
2007 11,927,000 -5.09%
2008 11,890,000 -0.31%
2009 11,890,000
2010 10,671,000 -10.25%
2011 11,078,000 +3.81%
2012 11,281,000 +1.83%
2013 11,301,000 +0.18%
2014 11,409,000 +0.96%
2015 11,577,000 +1.47%
2016 11,558,000 -0.16%
2017 11,447,000 -0.96%
2018 11,151,000 -2.59%
2019 10,301,000 -7.62%
2020 9,849,000 -4.39%
2021 10,679,000 +8.43%
2022 11,386,000 +6.62%
2023 183,760,000 +1513.91%
2024 221,608,000 +20.6%